Industry Leadership
Leading the way with quality people and products
Best-in-Class Indoor Air Quality
The air you breathe at home should be the purest substance going into your body. That’s why our engineers and product developers work tirelessly on creating best-in-class indoor air quality solutions and improving our existing products. For over 30 years, Panasonic has delivered high-performance ventilation solutions that set the standard for lasting power, energy efficiency and healthy living.

Awards and recognition

Awards and recognition
Every year Panasonic is recognized in the areas of product innovation, quality, sustainability and industry leadership.
Panasonic’s IAQ Industry Leadership on Display at Tijuana Ventilation Fan Factory
Panasonic’s IAQ Industry Leadership on Display at Tijuana Ventilation Fan Factory

Innovating for healthy, comfortable living

Our rallying cry: ‘Continually raise the bar’
Although we weren’t the first to enter the industry, we were the first to introduce standard-setting innovations such as using high efficiency DC motors in residential exhaust fans. We were also the first to offer quiet, high-performance exhaust fans with the launch of our Whisper line in 2014.

Forging ahead so you can breathe better

Recommended by the builder community
TV host and home builder, Mike Holmes built his reputation on doing the job right the first time. See why he swears by Panasonic ventilation products.