FV-0511VKL3  FV-0511VKSL3  FV-1115VKL3 main image
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FV-0511VKL3  FV-0511VKSL3  FV-1115VKL3_third image
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WhisperGreen® Select - Fan with Light Models


  • FV-0511VKL3
  • FV-0511VKSL3
  • FV-1115VKL3
Meet the Next Generation WhisperGreen® Select Fans
Based on Panasonic's quality improvement commitment and voice of customer input, the next generation of WhisperGreen Select® Fans for bathroom ventilation is now more powerful than ever. Discover robust new features and a designer look that enhance the legendary performance homeowners expect from Panasonic.

  • Increased Energy Efficiency: Panasonic’s superior performance of 0.5” exceeds industry standard set by ASHRAE and ENERGY STAR®
  • Designer Grille Options: Sharper, cleaner lines on the traditional grille
  • LED Lighting: All lighted models feature a warm white LED light with an average life of 50,000 hours
  • Expanded True Flow Performance: The only residential vent fan series with a combination of certified CFM performance at 0.5 w.g. and low sone levels
  • WiFi Control Module: Enables two-way communication between our ventilation products. Use this with a standalone fan or combine with an Indoor Air Quality healthy home system

  • FV-0511VKL3 - 50-80-110 CFM 4" or 6" Duct
  • FV-0511VKSL3 - 30 to 110 CFM 4" or 6" Duct
  • FV-1115VKL3 - 110-130-150 CFM 6" Duct

Increased Energy Efficiency

Comply with the more stringent ENERGY STAR® Most Efficient 2024 criteria of 11.4 CFM/watt with the improved DC motor and overall design enhancements.
Smart Action® Motion Sensor _ Condensation Sensor

Designer Grille Options

Sharper, cleaner lines on the traditional grille and two new architectural grille designs.

LED Lighting

A new 5-color changing temperature light module for the architectural model (FV-0511VKSL3K) provides the option to match desired lighting levels: 3000K, 3500K, 4000K, 5000K, or 6000K

Expanded True Flow Performance

HVI-certified performance at 0.5” w.g., exceeds industry standards and helps you build beyond expectations.

WiFi Control Module

Respond automatically to poor air conditions. Communicate with other ventilation devices, including supply fans and energy recovery ventilators,  to manage indoor air quality more efficiently.
* Required.