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WhisperGreen® Select - Architectural Fan Models


  • FV-0511VKSL3K
  • FV-0511VKS3S
Meet the Next Generation WhisperGreen® Select Fans
Based on Panasonic's quality improvement commitment and voice of customer input, the next generation of WhisperGreen® Select ventilation fans is now more powerful than ever. Discover robust new features and a designer look that enhance the legendary performance homeowners expect from Panasonic.

  • Increased Energy Efficiency – Panasonic’s superior performance of 0.5” exceeds industry standard set by ASHRAE and ENERGY STAR
  • Designer Grille Options - Choose between two architectural options to transform your space. Our FV-0511VKS3S is a fan only model, while our FV-0511VKSL3K is a fan + LED Light
  • LED Lighting – Bring your interior design to life by choosing one of our 5 Color Changing Temperature light modules. FV-0511VKSL3K (3000K, 3500K, 4000K, 5000K, 6000K)
  • Expanded True Flow Performance - The only residential ventfan series with a combination of certified CFM performance at 0.5 w.g. and low sone levels
  • Wi-Fi Control Module – Enables two way communication between our ventilation products. Use this with a standalone fan or combine with an Indoor Air Quality healthy home system

Fan-Only Models:

  • FV-0511VK3 - 50-80-110 CFM 4" or 6" Duct
  • FV-0511VKS3 - 30 to 110 CFM 4" or 6" Duct
  • FV-1115VK3 - 110-130-150 CFM 6" Duct

Fan + LED Models:

  • FV-0511VKL3 - 50-80-110 CFM 4" or 6" Duct
  • FV-0511VKSL3 - 30 to 110 CFM 4" or 6" Duct
  • FV-1115VKL3 - 110-130-150 CFM 6" Duct

Increased Energy Efficiency

Comply with the more stringent ENERGY STAR® Most Efficient 2024 criteria of 11.4 CFM/watt with the improved DC motor and overall design enhancements.

Expanded True Flow Performance

HVI-certified performance at 0.5” w.g., exceeds industry standards and helps you build beyond expectations.

LED Lighting

A new 5-color changing temperature light module for the architectural model (FV-0511VKSL3K) provides the option to match desired lighting levels: 3000K, 3500K, 4000K, 5000K and 6000K
WhisperGreen Select can be adjusted for different lighting levels, from 3000K to 6000K

Wi-Fi Control Module

Responds automatically to poor air conditions. Communicates with other ventilation devices, including supply fans and energy recovery ventilators, to manage indoor air quality more efficiently.
* Required.