Intelli-Balance® 100 Any Climate ERV, Corded, Mirror Model - 30 - 100 CFM
- FV-10VEC2R
Intelli-Balance® 100 is designed to help you meet ASHRAE 62.2 requirements. This unique and cost effective ERV was engineered for total versatility and installation flexibility in any climate zone. Built-in controls minimize the time it takes to set the desired airflow, as well as verify and maintain performance. Intelli-Balance® 100 allows you to simply design and specify your ventilation system requirements, improve IAQ and reduce ventilation costs.
- Designed for multi-family dwellings and new homes built to meet energy efficiency standards
- Available in symmetrical configurations for mirror-image floorplans
- Engineered for use in any North America Climate Zone, regardless of what traditional H/ERV zone maps show
- Two (2) DC motors with Smart Flow™ technology ensure optimum CFM output
- Multi-speed selector (30 to 100 CFM) provides customizable airflow to create balanced, positive or negative pressure within the home